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Archive for the ‘Office-Princesses, Boss’ Pet and Halos’ Category

I was the best thing since sliced bread. But then…

Dear Office-Politics, I was the best thing since sliced bread. Pay raises, compliments, and promotion since starting my current job eight years ago. My manager left me to my own devices. I had a divorce and bankruptcy and as a result I took my eye off the ball. That behind me ...

I want to put an “office princess” in her place…

Dear Office-Politics, Is there anything I can do to put an "office princess" in her place without hurting my reputation? I work at a newspaper and work with an "office princess" who really needs to be put in her place. She's 31, laughs very insincerely at anything people say, says things like ...

Training the Boss’ Pet

Dear Office-Politics, Please help! Since I started my new position as an accounting supervisor last May, I have had nothing but hard times to get my boss’ pet to get her work done and meet deadlines. Both my boss and the pet are always covering up for themselves. If an invoice ...

The Office Princess likes to flirt all day

Dear Office-Politics, Recently one of the girls in our office has developed a princess attitude. She is constantly talking about herself and makes everything be about her. If she is not the center of attention, then the world is not right. She likes to float around all day and flirt with ...

Is the deck stacked against me?

Dear Office-Politics, I am working for a telecommunications company. Currently, I am one step before a managerial position, being one of the senior supervisors of the Operations Division. My dilemma is, I know (and most others do) that my boss' eyes are already centered on another supervisor, of a team functionally ...