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Archive for the ‘Coaching Employees’ Category

I am still quite terrified I will not fit in

Dear Office-Politics, I’m a recent college graduate and have never really been very good at playing the office politics game. Sadly, I have already had two positions in the past year and the problems I ran across at both companies were politically-related. I don’t care about being the popular person, the ...

The New Guy I Hired is Hated…

Dear Office Politics, I recently received a promotion and hired my replacement; however, everyone who now reports to him hates him. He is a very talented manager of work, but lacks charisma and needs to improve on his people skills. We have lost a couple of good people due to his ...

Millennial eye rollers are grumbling

Dear Office-Politics, I have been asked to manage a few coworkers on an ongoing reporting project that is fairly low scale in the priority of our division. These coworkers are younger, newer, and still learning the ropes, and I’ve been at this company for seven years. Part of the problem is our ...

CNN Publishes OfficePolitics.com Quiz!

What a thrill! CNN.com asked Franke James, OfficePolitics.com founder, author and game designer, to create a quiz for their

The Role & Rewards of an Office Weasel

By Office-Politics Guest Adviser: Andrew Hennigan Why the Office Weasel Plays a Key Role in Hierarchical Organizations People from the few societies that are not hierarchical -- Netherlands and Scandinavia mainly -- often have difficulty grasping how strongly hierarchical societies can function. When I explain this point in culture workshops they usually ask ...

Swamped! (While Coworker Does Nothing)

Rona Maynard's career as a pace-setting magazine editor, award-winning journalist, acclaimed author and inspirational speaker owes much to the lessons she has drawn from coping with difficult people, both professionally and personally. Rona edited Chatelaine, Canada’s number one magazine for women, during a decade of innovation in which she ...

Why did General McChrystal Wound the King?

By Franke James Trapped by vindictive gossip The simmering tension between the White House and General McChrystal came to a head thanks to an article in Rolling Stone, The Runaway General. The subtitle summed up the conflict: "Stanley McChrystal, Obama's top commander in Afghanistan, has seized control of the war by never ...