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Archive for the ‘Climbing the Ladder’ Category

I am still quite terrified I will not fit in

Dear Office-Politics, I’m a recent college graduate and have never really been very good at playing the office politics game. Sadly, I have already had two positions in the past year and the problems I ran across at both companies were politically-related. I don’t care about being the popular person, the ...

Got a “Promotion” but Title is Ambiguous

Jane Perdue, MBA, CEO and founder of The Braithewaite Group, is a leadership consultant, coach, speaker and author who challenges your thinking at the intersection of the art of leadership and the science of business. The Braithewaite Group, is a small female-owned professional development and leadership consulting ...

I don’t understand this obsession to know what everyone is doing, or to tell everyone what I’m doing

Jane Perdue, MBA, CEO and founder of The Braithewaite Group, is a leadership consultant, coach, speaker and author who challenges your thinking at the intersection of the art of leadership and the science of business. The Braithewaite Group, is a small female-owned professional development and leadership consulting ...

Did my trainer sabotage my efforts?

Dear Office-Politics, I’m currently in a 8-week internship and have 2 weeks left and need to finish strong and gracefully. During my internship, I was assigned to someone who’s supposed to teach me about the experimental methods and data analysis of my project. Nevertheless, he has consistently delayed me and made ...

Director to Intern, “You understand that you are not allowed to leave, right?”

Dear Office Politics, At the end of my internship, a wealth of job opportunities will be open to me. I already have two solid job offers that my current organization cannot compete with. The problem is that the Director of my organization and my immediate boss have both told me that ...

Risky Hire after sex harassment query at interview; response by J. Glueck Bezoza

Dear Office-Politics, I‘m a recently hired college grad, and I was asked back three times during the interviewing process. On the third time I hadn't prepared the night before, and I was on the train three stops away trying to conjure up good questions. I recalled one really good one my ...

Risky Hire after sex harassment query at interview; response by Marty Seldman

Dear Office-Politics, I‘m a recently hired college grad, and I was asked back three times during the interviewing process. On the third time I hadn't prepared the night before, and I was on the train three stops away trying to conjure up good questions. I recalled one really good one my ...