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Rise up! Stand up for yourself!


Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day — so you could get all your work done — AND — exercise too?

Maybe it’s time to stand up for your rights — to a healthy workplace! @Good posted this brain teaser on Twitter. Franke James @OfficePolitics at OfficePolitics.com, responded…

Design savvy @LloydAlter at @Treehugger has written extensively about standing desks. He dangles the carrot we all want:
10 Standing Desks To Help You get Thinner, Live Longer


Coincidentally, I just switched to a standing desk…

But this one looks way slicker than my boxy DIY solution…

So how many calories will you burn if you stand rather than sit?
Go to JustStand to calculate the difference for you.

Standing while working makes a difference of 212 calories per day for me (for 6 hours it’s a difference of 159 calories). That may not sound like a lot, but it all adds up. And besides, there’s a much bigger reason than just wanting to peel off a few pounds.

Motivation to get Moving
New York Times reporter, James Vlaho, interviewed James Levine, a researcher at the Mayo Clinic, whose research focuses on “inactivity studies”. His findings challenge our long-standing (!) beliefs about human health and obesity. The conclusion… “Being sedentary for nine hours a day at the office is bad for your health whether you go home and watch television afterward or hit the gym. It is bad whether you are morbidly obese or marathon-runner thin. “Excessive sitting,” Dr. Levine says, “is a lethal activity.”


But John Green, a bestselling book author is doing it… I have Desk Envy but it does make me think of rats on a treadmill!

Whether it’s standing, walking — or maybe even dancing — desks that give you the chance to stand up for yourself are the smart way to go! Rise up!

Standing Desks Take a Bow

Lloyd Alter, Treehugger: 10 Standing Desks To Help You get Thinner, Live Longer
My Up Desk
My Up Desk on YouTube
John Green May Write His Next Book Entirely on a Treadmill Desk
LifeSpan Fitness TreadMill Desk

Twitter Accounts to Follow

Lloyd Alter @lloydalter
Franke James @OfficePolitics
John Green @RealJohnGreen
LifeSpanFitness @LifeSpanFitness
Gord McLeod @GordMcLeod
MyUpDesk @MyUpDesk
Rachel Peterson @racheledits
Treehugger @Treehugger
Rise up! Stand up for yourself! © 2012 by Franke James, Inventor The Office Politics Game
Office-Politics® is a registered trademark of Nerdheaven Ltd.
© 2000-2012, Nerdheaven Ltd. All rights reserved.


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