Archive for the ‘Rumors, Gossip and Buzz’ Category
Dear Office-Politics,
I manage a smallish office of 11 people. The interpersonal dynamics have always been great, but just recently I suspect a small clique has formed, with some flow-on effects to the rest of the office.
The difficulty for me is that the negative effects of this clique are fairly difficult ...
Posted in Cliques, office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | 1 Comment »
Dear Office-Politics,
I manage a smallish office of 11 people. The interpersonal dynamics have always been great, but just recently I suspect a small clique has formed, with some flow-on effects to the rest of the office.
The difficulty for me is that the negative effects of this clique are fairly difficult ...
Posted in Cliques, office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | 1 Comment »
Dear Office-Politics,
I have problems with our gossipy giraffes and the lion that listens to them. I work in a zoo. The staff is spread out over several buildings and has a wide variety of duties and skills. In the building I work in there are several departments, including administration ...
Posted in office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | No Comments »
Dear Office-Politics,
Approximately seven months ago, I took a promotion that required relocation to a new city, away from my friends and family. Within a month, two other young professionals (I will call them Will and Grace) joined the team and we began to socialize outside of work - that is ...
Posted in office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | No Comments »
Dear Office-Politics,
My company likes to move us around every 3 or 4 months. I was just moved after being comfortable somewhere else for 6 months, and was looking forward to a change until I realized the person beside me hates me for no known reason. She ignores me ...
Posted in office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | 8 Comments »
Dear Office-Politics,
I have been working for a large marketing company for about 9 months in planning. This is made up of about 12 senior planners each responsible on a project to project basis and managing single projects. The department is being broken up into client teams. There will be ...
Posted in office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | 4 Comments »
Dear Office-Politics,
I work for state government in a bureau of about 20 people. Prior to my maternity leave about 3 years ago, there was a woman I was "friends" with up until the time I returned from my leave. She enjoys gossip (I really don't, but I used ...
Posted in office politics, Rumors, Gossip and Buzz | 3 Comments »