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The Scorecard: The Office-Politics Evaluation Grid

Rating the Advice: The Advice-seeker (the person who originally submitted the letter to the site) will be asked to evaluate the advice given by the other players based on the four categories below. Between 0 and 5 points can be awarded for each category. For example, a perfect score with a 5 in each category would earn a total of 4 x 5 = 20 points. The Advice-seeker reviews the advice given, and may explain how and why it was scored, and identifies the winner of a business book.

Office-Politics® is the dilemma-based social game that teaches you how to play (and laugh at) office politics.; power illustration using istock licensed photo as base;

Did the Adviser correctly analyze who holds power and explore different types of power? Did they suggest ways to leverage that power?

Office-Politics® is the dilemma-based social game that teaches you how to play (and laugh at) office politics.; shoes photo illustration by Franke James, MFA. using istock licensed photo as base;

Did the Adviser put themselves in the other person’s shoes? By doing so, did they gain new insight or discover a compromise solution?

Office-Politics® is the dilemma-based social game that teaches you how to play (and laugh at) office politics.; best interest photo illustration by Franke James, MFA. using istock licensed photo as base;

Is the advice in the company’s best interests? Or does it serve the interests of one employee or a special group of employees?

Office-Politics® is the dilemma-based social game that teaches you how to play (and laugh at) office politics.; TV test photo illustration by Franke James, MFA. using istock licensed photo as base;

If a TV news station were doing a story, what would the reporter say? Would they give a thumbs-up or thumbs down to the advice?

Dear Office-Politics and The Office-Politics® Game invented by Franke James, MFA
Office-Politics® is a registered trademark of Nerdheaven Ltd.
The Scorecard: The Office-Politics Evaluation Grid © 2008-2010, Nerdheaven Ltd. All rights reserved.
© 2000-2010, Nerdheaven Ltd. All rights reserved.