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"Our receptionist became a favorite to the new GM..."
Dear Office-Politics, My company was bought out by a larger corporation and
have since fired the Vice President
(my immediate supervisor) and the controller. Both of those jobs
fell to me, though, no title or compensation was bestowed. In that time
our receptionist became a favorite to the new found General Manager
that was sent to take over. During a recent review that came six months
late I was given a bad rating for giving an air of tension towards the
receptionist. However, he did concede that it never truly had any effect
on my job, which up to that point in the review was exemplary. Now,
I am human, and do feel some resentment Takeover Survivor Dear Takeover Survivor, You mention two issues, your increased responsibilities (without increased compensation) and the receptionist's performance. You discuss the second more than the first, but I encourage you to ask yourself if you are really more upset by the former. Certainly it sounds like you have been poorly treated and unless there is at least a promise of recognition for the significant work you are doing you should consider developing a strategy to ensure that you are fairly treated. If the firm is taking advantage of you perhaps it is time to start polishing your resume. With respect to the receptionist - what you describe is a classic bind that occurs in too many workplaces. If the manager is genuinely favouring this employee inappropriately then there is no easy way to get the matter dealt with. The suggestion of approaching the Vice President of Human Resources is an appropriate one, but it is not risk free. Nonetheless I would encourage you to make the approach as it sounds like the situation is bad enough that it will have a negative impact on your emotional health and functioning if you try to ignore it. Good luck. Dr. John Burton
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